Colorado Springs Car & Auto Accident Lawyers Complete Guide


What Types Of Damages Can You Claim?

We take our auto accident cases very seriously at Rector Stuzynski Law Firm and provide every client with a thorough investigation of their case and a professionally put together lawsuit that is backed by hard evidence. In some cases, we are able to settle without a lawsuit, but in other cases, our experienced trial attorneys will go to court and fight the liable party and insurance company to get you the maximum compensation for your injuries and financial issues sustained from the accident.

You are entitled to a few different types of damage compensation when involved in an accident, such as economic damages, non-economic damages and punitive damages(sometimes).

Economic damages account for expenses with an actual number like medical bills, lost income from work, property damage repairs, lost earning capacity and more.

Non-economic damages may include personal losses such as pain and suffering, loss of quality of life, mental anguish, emotional stress and more.

Punitive damages are available in certain cases where the liable party acted willfully and wantonly and is administered as a punishment for their actions that caused harm to another person.

How Should I Handle A Rear End Accident?

A rear-end accident is one in which a driver hits another person from behind. Typically these types of accidents occur because people do not leave enough distance from the car in front of them, and they are distracted by something, or someone in the vehicle, or even by texting on their phones.

When a rear-end accident occurs, the driver of the rear vehicle is considered negligent in most cases. While it may seem like a fairly minor type of accident, rear-end collisions can result in serious spine injuries , with long term consequences. That’s why it’s important to call a Colorado Springs rear-end accident lawyer immediately after contacting the police and your insurance company.

These accidents can be extremely dangerous because in most rear-end accidents, the driver of the vehicle is unaware the accident is going to occur and it comes as a complete surprise. These types of accidents can lead to serious neck injuries, whiplash injuries , head injuries and even concussions because the driver’s head can be snapped back and forth, and if the driver’s head is turned when impact occurs this can be even more significant. Symptoms can occur immediately or sometimes take several days. Never underestimate your condition – even low speed accidents can result in serious injuries. Adrenaline can mask pain so that you are not aware of pain and injuries for some time following an auto accident.

If you or a loved one have had the unfortunate situation of being in a rear-end accident be sure to seek medical care, especially if you are experiencing headaches or pain in your neck or back. These types of injuries have the potential to be serious and can be permanent if not properly treated.

What To Do After A Hit And Run

Victims of hit and run accidents face a complex hurdle, especially if the accident is severe in nature. When a person who is responsible for causing an accident flees the scene, insurance companies can be disinclined to pay for injuries and damages until a determination that the responsible party cannot be located. In such a case, it is important to contact an experienced Colorado Springs hit and run accident lawyer.

A person who leaves the scene of an accident does so for a reason. Typically we see that these types of irresponsible individuals leave the scene because they are intoxicated, uninsured or possibly have a warrant out for their arrest in another matter.

If you are involved in a hit and run accident the first thing you should do is call the police so that a proper investigation can be done and properly documented. Take notes regarding as much information as you can remember from the other driver including the vehicle color, make and model, along with any other characteristics you can identify from the driver. Make sure you identify any witnesses as they may have more information regarding the hit and run driver. The second important thing you should do is get evaluated by a doctor.

You should notify your insurance carrier of the accident. Uninsured motorist coverage on your policy will cover you for injuries suffered as a result of a hit and run accident. Third, you should contact an attorney who can help you through this process, and who will fight to maximize the recovery you are entitled to.

Chain Reaction Accidents

Chain reaction accidents are unfortunately common, especially during inclement weather. When one driver error causes multiple accidents, however, it can be difficult to determine who was to blame for the accident and subsequent injuries. Further complicating things, in chain-reaction accidents, there are often multiple parties responsible for various aspects of the accident. The rules of the road come into play when figuring out fault. All drivers are required to keep a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of them. This means they are responsible for being able to stop in time, even if the roads are icy. A driver who rear-ends another vehicle will likely be responsible for that damage. Unless, however, a driver is pushed into another vehicle. This is where liability gets complicated.

Establishing fault is tricky in chain-reaction accidents and often requires a thorough investigation. Complicating the situation even more is that you may bear some responsibility for the accident as well. An experienced car accident lawyer can review all aspects of the accident to determine exactly who is to blame for the crash and for your injuries. To do this your lawyer will need to review evidence, such as skid marks, eyewitness accounts, police reports, and vehicle damage. If necessary, an accident reconstructionist may be employed.

What Is The Average Car Accident Claim Worth?

With a tremendous amount of legal experience under our belts at Rector Stuzynski Law Firm, we know that every Colorado Springs car or auto accident case is different so we can’t put a number on the value of a car accident case without digging deep into the details. Accidents in which no physical injuries are reported will clearly have very low settlement values. On the other end of the spectrum, when there are extensive medical bills, lifelong injuries, or catastrophic injuries, the dollar amount will be higher. Let’s say your car was totaled because of another negligent driver and you have some back and neck injuries. The cost to replace the car could be tens of thousands of dollars, but the medical bills for current treatment and any treatment after the fact will also need to be covered in the settlement.

Also, remember that in personal injury law, lost wages, emotional distress, post-traumatic stress disorder, injuries that will last your entire life as well as pain and suffering need to also be included when asking for a settlement amount. Most of the time a settlement will not be reached until all medical costs have been accrued so there can be an accurate amount of funds to cover all costs associated with the injuries.

Aside from the nature of the injuries, the amount of available insurance money is also a significant factor in settlement value discussions. You could be catastrophically injured, but if the other party has minimal insurance, you realistically cannot collect more than the policy premium limit. This is main reason we encourage everyone we speak with about insurance to carry uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage on their own auto insurance policy, because that type of insurance coverage can pick up the slack if you are seriously injured by another person who either does not have insurance, or has insufficient insurance to compensate you for your injuries. On the other hand, you could be injured very slightly by a commercial vehicle with a million dollar policy, but that doesn’t mean they will have to pay out seven figures.

To get a better idea of what your claim might be worth, check out our article on the typical car accident settlement amounts and make sure to keep adequate records of all of the pain and suffering you endured during the accident and during the healing process so you can get compensation for that too.

Can I File An Insurance Claim Without A Police Report?

Yes, you can file an insurance claim without a police report. Policyholders have the right to compensation even if you didn’t file a police report. In most situations though, you will want to get a police report done so you have an unbiased third party account of what happened at the scene. The police report will also help the insurance company determine who was at fault so that you can get compensation for your injuries.

It is also very common for people to be in shock after an accident and not realize they are injured right away. Things like whiplash, neck and back pain are very common in car accidents and sometimes take days or weeks for the injured party to notice. When you do notice an injury, it is best to get medically checked right away so that the liable party cannot blame those injuries on some other event. The sooner you have documentation of your injuries, the better, so make sure to contact an attorney if you have any questions about what to do as soon as possible.

How Can I Pay For Medical Bills?

Since most cases can’t be settled until all medical treatments have been performed for accurate settlement payments, you may be wondering how you are going to pay for your medical bills before you get your settlement. In most cases, we will look at your car insurance policy to see if it covers medical costs for yourself, as many policies do have this type of coverage. In some situations, you may not have this coverage so we then look at your health insurance coverage to see if you are eligible to have the bills paid for by that.

If none of your insurance covers the costs of treatment from your accident, then we will speak to your medical professionals and try to work out a pay later type of deal with them that is called a medical lien. This means that they will agree to perform treatment for you without upfront payment and will allow payment once the settlement funds have been disbursed. At the end of the day, you can be sure that our attorneys are ready to fight for your rights and help you every step of the way so you can get back to life as usual as quickly as possible.

Can I Sue For My Pain And Suffering?

In Colorado, a personal injury claim can be brought for any type of injury, whether that injury is physical, mental or emotional. If, for example, you were physically injured due to whiplash from the auto accident and you suffered from back pain for 6 months following the accident, you would be able to sue for your pain and suffering throughout the entire accident and healing process.

Since you went through a state of misery and pain for an extended period of time due to the fact that another person’s negligent actions caused you harm, then you are able to sue for compensation.

In many cases, there are plenty of physical and mental injuries that people endure and during that time, they have to endure tremendous amounts of pain and suffering while their body and mind heals. This is not to be overlooked and any good attorney will add detailed records of your pain and suffering to your injury claim in order to get extra compensation for it in your settlement.

To ensure you maximize your settlement, make sure to keep all of your medical records and document how your pain and suffering has negatively affected your life during your recovery time so that you have verifiable proof of your pain and suffering. This will go a long way in helping maximize your compensation package.

On the next page Check out what is the fee you have to pay to your car accident attorney legally



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